jeudi 18 septembre 2008

Is console no more working on Firebug 1.2.0 ?

Firebug is a tool for debugging Javascript; and believe it will save your life :).

But with the version 1.2.0 i can't use the magic "console.log()" (even after enabling it -for the previous version it was by default enabled-) Snif snif :-/

I finally find how to solve the problem :
you need now to put "window.loadFirebugConsole() ;" in your code before being able to call the magic 'console.log()'.

Happy again to use FIREBUG :D

Dead life !!

Life is so dead sometimes
So dead that you don't even 
Want to see it's face
Or smell it
Or dare live near it...

I don't know what to say
When I see dead people alive
And alive ones dead
Nobody knows in fact..

Death is alive sometimes,
So alive that you don't even
Want to look elsewhere
Or smell anything else
Or leave far from it ...

That dead life is surely
Somebody's happy alive death
And that guy's cool death
Is probably her boring dead life...

I don't know what to say
When I see dead people alive
And alive ones dead
Nobody knows in fact...

dimanche 7 septembre 2008

Forrest Gump ....

I have just seen an old movie "Forrest Gump" and guess what i wept as a child who has lost his pupy ... :-).

Really i can't imagine somebody so simple, "one tought" always "one tought"....
It's crazy because nowadays your mind is so full of
So many things you'll like to do ...
So many goals you'll like to achieve ...

I really wish in a way to have few toughts eventhough i don't hate who i am :D

A good funny movie anyway...

samedi 6 septembre 2008

Faire de la musique avec les logiciels libres

Et bien je savais que c'etait possible mais la je suis bien surpris de voir tous les outils libres disponibles pour faire du son.
Allez-y a fond et que la musique soit :-)